Hsiao-Tan Wang
Name Hsiao-Tan Wang
Job Title Professor and Vice Dean
Diplomas Ph.D., University of Warwick, UK | LL.M., Law in Development, University of Warwick, UK | LL.M., National Taiwan University
Office Tel No. 02-2939-3091轉51412
Research Expertise Hsiao-Tan Wang's research covers the fields of anthropology of law, human rights and gender law. She has done various empirical researches on the legal courts and the dispute resolution in Taiwan, on national and international anti-human trafficking regulations, and on gender violence and human rights.

Hsiao-Tan Wang is Professor of sociology of law, College of Law of Chengchi University, Taiwan. Her research covers the fields of anthropology of law, human rights and gender law. She has done various empirical researches on the legal courts and the dispute resolution in Taiwan, on national and international anti-human trafficking regulations, and on gender violence and human rights. In 2014, 2015 and 2017, she won the Chengchi University Research Award for her theoretical and practical contributions to the concepts of legal consciousness and legal transplants.

Hsiao-Tan Wang publishes her article “Justice, Emotion, and Belonging: Legal Consciousness in a Taiwanese Family Conflict” in 2019 in the Law and Society Review. This Case Study explores how legal consciousness is emotionally driven, intersubjective, and dependent on relational factors that are deeply connected to an individual’s perception of the self–other relationship and affinity therein. It concludes that as the Lee family members negotiated emotionally on issues involving elder care and inheritance, their adoption of law was at times absent, at others influential, but always shaped by certain Chinese concepts such as zı`jǐre´n (自己人), which constitute the emotional complex of belonging in Taiwan.

This cultural patterning identifies a person as included, accepted, and respected by the group and when in conflict, is the driving force behind a disputants’ pursuit of an identity that places them on moral high ground as a form of justice. Rather than depending on rational decision making or legal norms, their legal consciousness was determined by the sense of self, rectitude, emotion, and subjectivity.

Personal Website http://www.law.nccu.edu.tw/zh_tw/hsiaotan
Year Paper Title
2024 Sep. 2024
2023 Jun. 2023
2023 2023
2022 Dec. 2022
2022 Dec. 2022
2022 Jun. 2022
2022 Mar. 2022
2022 Jan. 2022
2020 2020
2019 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2019/09), "Justice, Emotion, and Belonging: Legal Consciousness in a Taiwanese Family Conflict" , the Law and Society Review (SSCI, CiteScore IF:1.77, ranking:10.8% in Law; 19.5% in Sociology and Political Science), vol. Vol. 53, Iss. 3, pp. 764-790, Aug. 2019
2019 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2019, Jun), 〈破解二元對立,改寫能動主體:性暴力受害者脆弱性的正面意義〉, 《女學學誌》(TSSCI), 44期, pp. 79-112, Jun. 2019
2018 Wang, Hsiao-Tan, 楊婉瑩, 方念萱, 韓宜臻, 董晉維 (2018, Dec), 〈「愛女/厭女:情感與性別」女學會2018年會紀實〉, 《性別平等教育季刊》, 85期, pp. 86-90, Dec. 2018
2018 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2018, Dec), 〈法意識探索:關係自我的情感衡平〉, 《政治與社會哲學評論》(TSSCI), 67期, pp. 103-159。, Dec. 2018
2018 Wang, Hsiao-Tan, 韓宜臻 (2018, Dec), 〈新時代的情感教育──建構思辨主體,揮灑愛戀空間〉, 《性別平等教育季刊》, 85期, pp. 68-77。, 2018
2017 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2017, Jan), 〈司法意識與司法信賴──權威、感知與正義觀〉, 《檢察新論》, 21期, pp. 13-23。, Jan. 2017
2017 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2017, Jun), 〈女性主義實踐為何漏接了房思琪?「自我」的生存之道與逃逸路線〉, 《巷仔口社會學》, 2017
2016 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2016, Feb), 〈敘事與正義的地方性知識──臺灣人法意識與法律空間的民族誌〉, 《月旦法學雜誌》, 249期, pp. 5-19。, Feb. 2016
2015 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2015, Jan), 〈「拆解」防治性別暴力的法律:文件格式化、敘事失語以及文本性現實〉, 《性別平等教育季刊》, 71期, pp. 34-43。, Jan. 2015
2014 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2014, Sep), “Multi-layered Mapping of Law in Human Trafficking Cases in Taiwan (in Chinese)”, Academia Sinica Law Journal (TSSCI), 15期, pp. 77-137。, Sep. 2014
2014 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2014, Jun), “Law’s Oppressive and Creative Effect in Human Trafficking Cases in Taiwan (in Chinese)”, The NCCU Law Review (TSSCI), 137期, pp. 33-98。, Jun. 2014
2014 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2014, Feb), “A Critical Perspective of Legal Cases on Sexual Violence (in Chinese)”, The Military Law Journal, 60期, pp. 21-40。, Feb. 2014
2011 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2011, Feb), “Research Methodology of Legal Consciousness and Legal Culture in the Post-transplant Context (in Chinese)”, The Taiwan Law Review, 189期, pp. 69-88。, May. 2011
2011 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2011, May), “The Historical Context of Civil Mediation: Land Cases as Examples (in Chinese)”, The Taiwan Law Review , 192期, pp. 108-131。, May. 2011
2011 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2011), 〈如何解码台湾法律、社会与文化的纠结〉, 《私法》, vol. 9辑2卷, pp. 157-182。, 2011
2010 Wnag, Hsiao-Tan (2010, Dec), “Unspeakable Subject and De-contextualized Consent: A Feminist Cultural Analysis on Taiwanese Legal understanding of Acquaintance Rape (in Chinese)” , Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies (TSSCI), 80期, pp. 155-206。, Dec. 2010
2010 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2010, Oct), “Studies on Law and Society in Taiwan: Issues and Perspectives (in Chinese)”, The NCCU Law Review (TSSCI), 117期, pp. 63-108。, Oct. 2010
2009 Wang, Hsiao-Tan, Judge San-Yuan Lin (2009, Dec), “Legal Transplantation and Legal Adaptation: the Cases of Protection Order as Instance (in Chinese)” , Thought and Words: Journal of the Humanities and Social Science (THCI), vol. 47卷, 4期, pp. 83-131。, Mar. 2010
2009 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2009, Sep), “Legal Cases of Domestic Violence Filed by Immigrant Women (in Chinese)” , Journal of New Perspectives on Law, 14期, pp. 59-85。, Sep. 2009
2009 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2009, Aug), “The Transformation of Taiwanese Legal Culture (in Chinese)”, The Empirical Studies on Judicial System 2008, edited by G.C. Huang., pp. 384-444。, Aug. 2009
2009 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2009, May), “Critical Legal Training in Legal Education (in Chinese)” , The Taiwan Law Review , 168期, pp. 122-137。, May. 2009
2008 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2008, Jun), “The Faces in Legal Documents (in Chinese)” , Journal of Women's and Gender Studies, 25期, pp. 183-190。, Jul. 2009
2008 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2008, Dec), “Women before the Law: Battered Women and Their Rights to Divorce (in Chinese)” , The NCCU Law Review (TSSCI), vol. 97卷, pp. 1-70。, Dec. 2008
2007 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2007, Jul), “Feminist Legal Activism in Taiwan (in Chinese)” , Soochow Law Journal (TSSCI), vol. 19卷, 1期, pp. 51-78。, Jul. 2007
2007 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2007, Apr), 〈法律社會學──台灣的性別與法律研究〉, 《法令月刊》, vol. 58卷, 4期, pp. 104-118。, Apr. 2007
2006 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2006, Oct), “Feminism and the Development of the Family Law in Taiwan (in Chinese)” , National Chung Chen University Law Journal, 21期, pp. 1-36。, Oct. 2006
2006 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2006, Sep), “On Divorce Law Reform in UK (in Chinese)”, National Taiwan University Law Journal (TSSCI), vol. 35卷, 5期, pp. 163-208。, Sep. 2006
2004 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2004, Dec), "What Can Legal Feminism Do? The Theoretical Explorations on Gender, Law and Social Transformation", EurAmerica (TSSCI), vol. Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 627-673., Dec. 2004
Year Paper Title
2023 , 2023
2022 , 2022
2021 , 2021
2020 , 2020
2019 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2019/12/14), "The Changing Sense of Community: Relational Legal Consciousness and Neighborhood Conflicts in Taiwan", paper presented at the conference of the Asian Law and Society Association (ALSA) Annual Meeting, Feb. 2020, Osaka, Japan.
2019 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2019/05/23), 〈重讀性暴力受害者〉, 發表於《性別與法律:立法與實踐》研討座談會, May. 2019, 國立政治大學, 台北。
2018 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2018/09/29), 〈強暴、自我、能動主體:單向故事之外,二元對立之間〉, 發表於《愛女/厭女:情感與性別》研討會, Sep. 2018, 國立政治大學, 台北。
2018 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2018/06/09), "Justice, Belonging, and Zijiren: Legal Consciousness in a Taiwanese Family", paper presented at the joint meeting of the Law and Society Association (LSA) and the Canadian Law and Society Association (CLSA), Jun. 2018, Sheraton Centre, Toronto, Canada.
2018 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2018/04/21), 〈正義的情感衡平:關係性自我的法意識〉, 發表於《2018台灣法理學會年度學術研討會暨會員大會》, 2018, 東吳大學法學院, 台北。
2018 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2018/05/31), 〈情感、正義與主體──跨越身體界線的政治性〉, 發表於《情感教育研討會》, 2018, 高雄師範大學, 高雄。
2017 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2017/12/14) , "How Emotion and Subjectivity Shape Legal Consciousness: A Family Conflict in Taiwan", paper presented at the conference of the East Asian Law and Society Annual Conference, Dec. 2017, National Chiao Tung University (Guang Fu Campus), Hsinchu, Taiwan.
2017 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2017/03/25) , 〈衝突中,求衡平:法律意識裡的情感與主體〉, 發表於《第八屆法潮論文研討會》, 2017, 國立政治大學, 台北。
2017 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2017/09/23), 〈我們可以從房思琪學到什麼?──強暴、自我、主體與法律〉, 發表於《台灣女性學學會2017年度研討會》, 2017, 東吳大學城中校區, 台北。
2017 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2017/11/26), 〈衝突,可以如何解決?──法律人類學觀點〉, 發表於《第八回醫病座談會─調解論壇及案例討論會》, 2017, 國立台灣大學, 台北。
2016 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2016/11/04), 〈司法的正當性──信賴、權威與多重主體性〉, 發表於《司法改⾰──如何建構⼈⺠信賴的司法體系》中華⺠國檢察官協會及臺灣⾼等法院檢察署105年度學術研討會, 2016, 台北。
2016 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2016/06/02), "Mud Wrestling of Justice: Rights Consciousness and Law in Everyday Practices in Taiwan", paper presented at the Law and Society Association (LSA) annual conference, 2016, New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, USA.
2016 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2016/09/22), "Emotion and Subjectivity in LegalConsciousness: An Analysis of Conflict in Taiwan", paper presented at the East Asian Law and Society Annual Conference, EALSA, 2016, NUS (Bukit Timah Campus), Singapore.
2016 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2016/10/6), 〈權利意識:臺灣經驗研究〉, 發表於《第⼀屆法與社會研討會暨第四屆基礎法學年會》, 2016, 交通大學, 新竹。
2015 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2015/09/05) , 〈敘事、正義與感知:社會轉型期台灣⼈法意識的⺠族誌〉, 發表於《敘事與正義:法律的跨界研究國際學術研討會》, Sep. 2015, 國立政治大學, 台北。
2015 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2015/05/30) , "Law's Promise and Law's Repression: Combating Human Trafficking in Taiwan" , presented at the conference of the Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting, May. 2015, Westin, Seattle, USA.
2015 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2015/03/07) , "Self-other relationship and law in everyday life in Taiwan", paper presented at the ASLCH annual conference, ASLCH, 2015, Washington, D.C., USA.
2015 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2015/10/03) , 〈「⾃⼰⼈」的敘事與正義〉, 發表於《世界華⼈法哲學2015年會》, 2015, 清華大學法學院, 北京, 中國。
2014 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2014/06/18), 〈法律繼受與文化轉型〉, 發表於《2014兩岸四地法律發展學術研討會》, 2014, 中央研究院人文社會科學館, 台北。
2014 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2014/11), 〈規範交織下的法意識,〉, 發表於《2014法律與社會科學研討會》, 2014, ⻄南政法⼤學, 重慶, 中國。
2013 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2013/03/22), "Multi-layered Mapping of Law in a Post-Reception Society: As Manifest in Human Trafficking Cases in Taiwan", paper presented at the conference of the Third East Asian Law and Society Conference, 2013, KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai.
2013 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2013/05/26), 〈法律的壓制性與創造性:⼈權與⼈⼝販運法制之被害者主體〉, 發表於《現代性與中國法律文化研討會》, 2013, 中國人民大學, 北京, 中國。
2013 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2013/09) , 〈性暴⼒法制的歷史交織: ⼀個性別批判的觀點〉, 發表於《女學會婦女政策⽩⽪書專書撰寫計畫》研討座談會, 2013, 東吳大學, 台北。
2013 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2013/09/13) , "Backlash Against Gender Equality? Taiwanese Attitude Toward Sexual Assault", paper presented at the conference of the TSCS 2013 Symposium on Gender, Family and Sexuality, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan.
2013 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2013/10/05), 〈法律現代性的斷裂與延續〉, 發表於《2013臺灣社會研究學會年會--重返⺠間:從規範性論述到在地歷史解釋》, 2013, 世新⼤學, 台北。
2013 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2013/11), 〈法律繼受與法律多重製圖〉, 發表於《法律與社會科學年會》, 2013, 雲南⼤學, 昆明, 中國。
2012 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2012/06/05) , "Becoming a victim: the Cultural Construction of Human Trafficking Act in Taiwan", paper presented at the conference of the Annual Meeting of Law and Society Association, 2012, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA.
2012 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2012/10/19), 〈⼈權與多層次法律的誤讀:以⼈⼝販運法制為例〉, 發表於《2012法律思想與社會變遷--⽣命與正義》研討座談會, 2012, 中研院人文社會科學館, 台北。
2012 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2012/03/17), 〈人口販運與人權觀的重建〉, 發表於《東亞法哲學年會》, 2012, 國立政治大學, 台北。
2011 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2011/12/10), 〈人權帝國:法律、人口販運與文化建構〉, 發表於《2011臺灣社會學年會》, 2011, 國立台灣大學, 台北。
2010 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2010/09/10), 〈法社會學研究取徑:法律繼受與法律文化〉, 發表於《中國人民大學“法理論壇”第67講》, 2010, 中國人民大學, 北京,中國。
2009 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2009/07/10) , "Preliminary Investigation of Taiwan’s Trial Culture: Taking Courts Issuing Protective Order in Cases of Domestic Violence as Instance", paper presented at the 2009 Joint Meeting and the 20th Anniversary of the International Research Committee of sociology of law, Jul. 2009, Oñati, Spain.
2009 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2009/05/28) , "Unspeakable Subject and Contextualizing Consent: An Cultural Analysis of Taiwanese Understanding of Rape", paper presented at the conference of Annual Meeting of Law and Society Association, 2009, Denvor, USA.
2009 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2009/06/19), 〈糾紛與台灣法律的現代性 --- 以民事調解法律文化為例〉, 《第一屆法律繼受下的訴訟外糾紛解決(ADR):從威權到民主》, 2009, 國立政治大學, 台北。
2008 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2008/03/14), 〈法律與社會學跨領域研究方法──法律學觀點〉, 《法律跨科際整合──法律與社會學工作坊》, 2008, 國立政治大學, 台北。
2008 Wang, Hsiao-Tang (2008/04/26), 〈紛爭的虛實與自我的轉化 --- 保護令審理庭的法律文化分析〉, 《法律的跨界研究研討會》, 2008, 國立暨南大學, 南投。
2008 Wang, Hsiao-Tang (2008/06/21), 〈超越個人權益的保護令審理 --- 傳統個人、婚姻、家庭與法院的介入行為〉, 《法學實證研究研討會》, 2008, 中央研究院, 台北。
2008 Wang, Hsiao-Tang (2008/10/10), 〈案例教學與批判性法學訓練 --- 以大學校長遴選案為例〉, 《第三屆法律人年會》, 2008, 國立中興大學, 台中。
2007 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2007/05/11), 〈未完成的移植──婚姻受暴婦女民事通常保護令裁定中的「程序正義」與「實質正義」〉, 發表於《第二屆全國法學實證研討會》, 2007, 國立交通大學, 新竹。
2007 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2007/05/26), 〈看不見權力與控制──反思越南婚姻移民受暴婦女民事通常保護令裁定〉, 發表於《第四屆家庭法律社會學學術研討會》, 2007, 國立中正大學, 嘉義。
2007 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2007/06/02), 〈女性主義法學案例教學法──三個例子, 三個模型〉, 《女性主義法學案例教學工作坊》, 2007, 國立政治大學, 台北。
2007 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2007/10/06), 〈聆聽失語的被害人──熟識者強暴司法案件與女性主義知識建構〉, 《2007台灣女性學學會年會暨學術研討會》, 2007, 高雄師範大學行政大樓, 高雄。
2006 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2006/03/26-27), 〈女性主義與台灣家事法的發展──一個新的契機〉, 《第六屆東亞法哲學研討會》, 2006, 國立臺灣大學, 台北。
2006 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2006/05/06), 〈在法律中尋找性別政治的積極面向〉, 發表於《女性主義法學學術研討會 --- 女性主義法學在教學與研究之實踐與反思》, 2006, 國立政治大學, 台北。
2006 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2006/05/24-25), 〈從法律的『詮釋霸權』中看見我──『不堪同居之虐待』離婚實務判決之法社會研究〉, 發表於《第一屆全國法學實證研討會》, 2006, 國立交通大學, 新竹。
2006 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2006/06/11) , 〈讓生命與世界對話──性別對法律的呼喊〉, 發表於《大專校院性別平等教育課程與教材學術研討會》, 2006, 國立高雄師範大學, 高雄。
2005 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2005/11/18) , 〈英國家事法改革與家事調解〉, 發表於《家事調解個案研討會》, 2005, 臺灣台北暨士林地方法院, 台北。
2005 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2005/05/21), 〈英國離婚法之法律政策評析──論1996年家庭法對我國之啟示〉, 發表於《第二屆家庭法律社會學學術研討會》, 2005, 國立中正大學法律系, 台北。
2005 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2005/07/28) , 〈作為一個法律系的老師──從女性主義的觀點反省法學教育〉, 發表於《從女性主義的觀點談法學教育與研究研討會》, 2005, 國立政治大學法律系, 台北。
2004 Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2004/06/05), 〈女性「權利」與兩性平等──從三則大法官會議解釋談起〉, 發表於《兩性與社會學術研討會》, 2004, 元培科學技術學院, 新竹。
2004 ​​Wang, Hsiao-Tan (2004/06/19), "Feminist Theorizing and Activism in Taiwan: The Case of Struggling for the Family Law Reform", paper presented at the 10th North American Taiwan Studies Conference (NATSA) annual conference , 2004, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA.
Year Book Title
2023 May. 2023
2023 May. 2023
2023 May. 2023
2023 May. 2023
2022 2022
2019 《這是愛女,也是厭女:如何看穿這世界拉攏與懲戒女人的兩手策略》(通過雙向匿名審查), 台北:大家出版, Jul. 2019
2019 〈解鎖,開啟新時代的情感教育:從浪漫愛、匯流愛到主體愛〉(改寫自期刊論文)。收於:王曉丹主編, 《這是愛女,也是厭女:如何看穿這世界拉攏與懲戒女人的兩手策略》, 台北:大家出版, 275-288頁, 2019
2019 〈女性主義為何漏接了房思琪〉(改寫自巷仔口社會學)。收於:王曉丹主編, 《這是愛女,也是厭女:如何看穿這世界拉攏與懲戒女人的兩手策略》, 台北:大家出版, 127-148頁, 2019
2019 〈重讀性暴力受害者〉(已發表於期刊)。收於:王曉丹主編, 《這是愛女,也是厭女:如何看穿這世界拉攏與懲戒女人的兩手策略》, 台北:大家出版, 237-258頁, 2019
2019 〈告別厭女──在情感與關係中琢磨自我〉。收於:王曉丹主編, 《這是愛女,也是厭女:如何看穿這世界拉攏與懲戒女人的兩手策略》, 台北:大家出版, 9~25頁, 2019
2018 〈女性主義如何介入法律?〉。收於:黃淑玲、游美惠主編,《性別向度與台灣社會》,三版(此文為第三版全新文章), 台北:巨流出版社, 171~191頁, 2018
2016 2016
2016 〈法律繼受與法律多重製圖──人口販運法制的案例〉(已發表於期刊)。收於:葛克昌教授祝壽論文集編輯委員主編, 《租稅正義與人權保障:葛克昌教授祝壽論文集》, 台北:新學林出版, 93-142頁, 2016
2016 〈法律的壓制性與創造性──人權與人口販運法制的被害者主體〉(已發表於期刊)。收於:政大法學院基礎法學中心主編, 《法文化研究(二):歷史與創新》, 台北:元照出版, 155-205頁, 2016
2015 〈司法人權導讀〉。收於:陳瑤華、陳俊宏主編, 《人權讀本:公民與政治權利篇》, 新北:群學出版。, 2~7頁, 2015
2014 275-308頁, 2014
2014 〈法律的日常建构:一个方法论的提出〉。收於:王启梁、張劍源主編,《法律的经验研究:方法与应用》, 北京:北京大学出版社, 129~147頁, 2014
2013 〈當代臺灣法律文化的轉化:以家暴保護令審理庭為例〉(已發表於他處)。收於:楊淑文、王曉丹、李治安主編,《邁向科際整合的法學研究》, 台北:元照出版, 341~400頁, 2013
2013 《邁向科際整合的法學研究》, 台北:元照出版, 2013
2013 "An Evaluation of the Enforcement of Human Trafficking Prevention Act (in Chinese)" , Taipei: Women’s Rescue Foundation, 2013
2012 “Mapping Gender and Family in Taiwan (in Chinese).” in Gender Relations, edited by G.C. Huang. , Taipei: Open University Press., 33~60頁, 2012
2012 “The Anti-Sexual Violence Movement in Taiwan (in Chinese)” in Gender Relations, edited by G.C. Huang. , Taipei: Open University Press., 219~244頁, 2012
2012 〈性別與法律〉。收於:黃淑玲、游美惠主編,《性別向度與台灣社會》,二版, 台北:巨流出版社, 187~207頁, 2012
2011 “Law and Society (in Chinese)” in Introduction to Taiwan Legal System, edited by NCCU College of Law. , Taipei: Yuan Zhou., 355-368頁, 2011
2011 《性別影響評估實施檢討及成效評估》。台北:行政院研究發展考核委員會。, 2011
2011 〈規則細緻化的法律行動──試論法院民事調解的社會功能〉(已發表於期刊)。收於:政大法學院基礎法學中心主編,《法文化研究:繼受與後繼受時代的基礎法學》, 台北:元照出版, 399-439頁, 2011
2011 〈法意識與法文化研究方法論──從概念到實踐,從專家到常民〉(已發表於期刊)。收於:政大法學院基礎法學中心主編,《法文化研究:繼受與後繼受時代的基礎法學》, 台北:元照出版, 69-98頁, 2011
2009 “The Transformation of Taiwanese Legal Culture (in Chinese)” in The Empirical Studies on Judicial System 2008, edited by G.C. Huang., Taipei: Academia Sinica., 389-444頁, 2009
Year Project Title Participator Job Title Period Unit
2024 2024.08 ~ 2027.07
2024 2024.06 ~ 2024.07
2024 2024.01 ~ 2024.12
2023 2023.01 ~ 2023.12
2022 2022.08 ~ 2024.07
2020 2020.01 ~ 2022.12
2019 2019.08 ~ 2020.07
2018 2018.05 ~ 2019.12
2017 2017.08 ~ 2019.12
2015 2015.09 ~ 2016.08
2014 2014.08 ~ 2017.07
2012 2012.01 ~ 2012.12
2012 重建刑事司法:一個人權批判的觀點,整合型計畫,總計畫:台灣人權實踐的軌跡和圖像──跨學科的理論及實證研究 y3ru4cj84主持人 2012.01 ~ 2014.12 科技部專題研究計畫NSC101-2420-H004-015-MY3
2011 2011.08 ~ 2014.07
2011 2011.01 ~ 2011.12
2011 2011.01 ~ 2011.12
2010 2010.11 ~ 2011.10
2010 2010.09 ~ 2011.08
2010 2010.06 ~ 2010.10
2009 2009.08 ~ 2010.05
2009 2009.05 ~ 2009.05
2009 2009.01 ~ 2009.12
2008 2008.08 ~ 2011.07
2008 2008.06 ~ 2009.03
2007 2007.08 ~ 2008.07
2007 2007.03 ~ 2007.12
2006 2006.07 ~ 2006.10
2005 2005.07 ~ 2006.03
2004 2004.12 ~ 2005.06
2004 2004.08 ~ 2005.07
Year Publish Date
2022 2022-10-05
2021 2021-09-05
2021 2021-08-02
2021 2021-07-05
2020 2020-05-27
2019 2019-12-05
2019 2019-10-05
2018 2018-10-05
2017 2017-08-07
2017 2017-06-07
Country School Name Department Degree
Taiwan National Taiwan University Department of Sociology, College of Social Science Bachelor
Taiwan National Taiwan University College of Law Master
UK Warwick University School of Law Master
UK Warwick University School of Law Ph.D
Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
2023.05 ~ 2025.04
2022.07 ~ 2024.07
2021.08 ~ 2023.07
2021.08 ~ 2023.07
2021.08 ~ 2022.07
2021.05 ~ 2023.04
2020.04 ~ 2022.03
2019.08 ~ 2020.09
2019.06 ~ 2019.06
2019.04 ~ 2021.04
2018.09 ~ 2020.09
2018.05 ~ 2019.05
2017.09 ~ 2018.09
2017.04 ~ 2019.04
2016.08 ~ 2017.07
2016.08 ~ 2017.07
2015.09 ~ 2016.06
2014.09 ~ 2015.09
2014.09 ~ 2015.08
2014.02 ~ Up to today
2012.01 ~ 2015.12
2009.08 ~ 2011.07
2009.08 ~ 2010.07
NCCU Law Review Editorial Board 2009.01 ~ 2010.12
2008.08 ~ 2014.01
2007.09 ~ 2016.12
2007.09 ~ 2009.09
2007.08 ~ 2008.07
Family Court of Taichung District Mediator 2006.09 ~ 2008.08
2006.08 ~ 2007.07
2006.08 ~ 2007.07
2004.09 ~ 2006.09
2004.08 ~ 2007.07