Name | Richard Li-dar Wang |
Job Title | Professor of Law |
Office Tel No. | 02-2939-3091轉51604 |
Research Expertise |
Competition Law, Patents, Intelelctual Property, Internet Law, Regulated Industries. Richard Li-dar Wang (王立達) is Professor of Law at National Chengchi University (NCCU). He is also a steering director and the academic convener of the Taiwan Competition Law Institute, and an affiliated faculty member of the Center for Intellectual Property Research, Indiana University Maurer School of Law. Prof. Wang's research primarily focuses on competition law and patent law. He is teaching and doing research on digital economy, internet law, intellectual property and regulated industries as well. He accomplished his S.J.D. degree from Indiana–Maurer at Bloomington in 2007, and also a graduate of Georgetown Law Center (LL.M. 2004). Prof. Wang served as the Associate Dean for Executive Education and International Affairs at NCCU Law between the summer of 2017 and of 2019. During his tenure, the QS World University ranking of NCCU Law rose 100 places, three dual-degree agreements with U.S., U.K. and Australia law schools were concluded, and an English-taught program for undergraduate law students and a credit-bearing training program for corporate governance professionals were established. He co-organized a transnational summer program in 2019, featuring professors from law schools in the U.S., Germany and Japan, and also assisted the executive LLM program setting up an alumni and student union in 2018, which have been hosting a number of academic or sociable events each semester ever since. Prof. Wang has published around fifty articles in English or Chinese, some of them published on top 20 technology law journals of the U.S., including Yale Journal of Law and Technology, University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy, and Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal. Between 2021 and 2024, Prof. Wang served as the Editor-in-Chief of Chengchi Law Review, a widely recognized top law journal in Taiwan. In 2019 and 2024, he received NCCU Research Excellence Award for his insightful findings on competition law and its interaction with intellectual properties. He was appointed as Distinguished Professor of Law between 2021 and 2024. Prof. Wang consistently delivers speeches before judges and attorneys, and provides expert opinions to courts, regulatory authorities, and private parties. He is a frequent presenter at various international conferences, including Intellectual Property Scholars Conference (IPSC), Asian IP Works-in-Progress Conference (IPScholars Asia) and ASCOLA conferences. Prior to academia, Prof. Wang worked for the Taiwan Fair Trade Commission. He investigated anticompetitive cases of the petroleum and pharmaceutical industries, and unfair business practices across numerous sectors. Later on, he became a consultant to the Vice Chairperson of the Commission, advising him on legal and policy matters. |
- Personal Journal
- Personal Conference
- Personal Book
- Personal Project
- Personal Research
- Personal Honor
Year | Paper Title |
2024 | 平台科技、法治創新與競爭規範的回應, 第四屆中原經濟法治論壇暨「平台經濟創新發展的經濟法治保障」學術研討會, Nov. 23, 2024, 鄭州 |
2023 | Yuntsai Chou & Richard Li-dar Wang, Credibility and Agility of Antitrust Enforcement: A Cross-Country Analysis of Big Tech, The 16th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, Nov. 26-28, 2023, Bangkok, Thailand |
2023 | 演算法與生成式人工智慧所帶來的競爭法議題, 數位科技法制環境建構研討會, Nov. 07-08, 2023, 台北市:國家發展委員會、東吳大學法學院 |
2023 | AI時代的通傳產業競爭議題──以傳播產業為中心, AI時代競爭管制論壇, Oct. 24, 2023, 台北市:二十一世紀基金會 |
2022 | 競爭法制的數位因應與公平交易法修正芻議, 數位機關與數位法制論壇, Dec. 09, 2022, 台北市:台灣匯流研究學會 |
2022 | 如何看待New Brandeis School──兼評公平會數位經濟白皮書初稿, 第29屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會, Dec. 05-06, 2022, 台北市:公平交易委員會 |
2022 | 從競爭法國際合作看CPTPP與公平交易, 2022 CPTPP與法制系列論壇, Sep. 30, 2022, 台北市:行政院經貿談判辦公室、陽明交通大學科技法律學院TPP與跨國經貿法律研究中心 |
2022 | Hidden Non-Digital Moves in Taiwan FTC’s Digital Economy White Paper, Seminar on “Antitrust in the Digital Era: New Developments in the EU and Taiwan”, Jun. 17, 2022, (線上舉辦)德國諾爾法律事務所、萬國法律事務所 |
2021 | 大型數位平台守門人地位管制規範之正當性基礎初探, 第28屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會, Dec. 09-10, 2021, 台北市:公平交易委員會 |
2021 | 關鍵字廣告、不公平競爭與商標侵害:行為與結果不法、正常競爭方式、案例類型討論, 臺灣智慧財產法學會2021年商標法學術研討會, Jan. 15-16, 2021, 高雄市:高雄大學財經法律研究中心、高雄科技大學科技法律研究所 |
2019 | Let it Grow or Divest? In Search of Competition Policies for Digital Platforms, 2019 Taiwan International Conference on Competition Policy/Law: Challenges of Competition Law Enforcement in Digital Era, Jun. 18-19, 2019, Taipei: Taiwan Fair Trade Commission |
2018 | Market Definition of Digital Platforms: Response to the Impact of Two-sided Platforms and Zero Pricing, Asian Competition Forum 14th Annual Conference, Dec. 10-11, 2018, Hong Kong |
2018 | 標準必要專利之競爭法規範與高通授權架構之違法性, 智慧財產權與法律風險研討會系列之二, Jun. 19, 2018, 臺北市:政治大學法學院、中華法律風險管理學會 |
2017 | 公平會處分高通案:一個被誤解的重要行政決定, 2017「科技、產業與法律」系列論壇──智財授權與競爭法之交會, Dec. 21, 2017, 臺北市:臺北科技大學專利暨技術移轉中心 |
2017 | 標準必要專利高額許可收費的競爭法評價:以高通案為中心, 第六屆兩岸通訊傳播法論壇:互聯網與大數據下的新議題, Oct. 09-10, 2017, 廣州:華南師範大學法學院 |
2017 | Regulating the Enforcement of Standard-Essential Patents: Perspectives from Taiwan, 1st Annual Asia-Pacific Colloquium on IP and Competition Law, Mar. 13-17, 2017, Delhi, India: National Law University |
2016 | Fintech專利之現況與趨勢, 「銀行推動Fintech申請商業方法相關專利現況及挑戰之因應」研討會, Apr. 22, 2016, 新北市:金融研究發展基金 |
2015 | 中國大陸濫用智財權之競爭法執法規範, 「兩岸財經法學之交流與展望」研討會, Nov. 03-Oct. 03, 2015, 臺北市:政治大學法學院財經法中心 |
2014 | 我國企業在美歐之反競爭案件分析與因應之道, 臺灣科技案件跨國訴訟實證研討會-臺灣科技及研發產業跨國專利訴訟30年之回顧與前瞻, Dec. 17, 2014, 臺北市:交通大學科技法律學院、台灣經濟研究院 |
2014 | 第三方支付與網路法律之功能定位, 第18屆全國科技法律研討會, Nov. 20-Oct. 20, 2014, 新竹:交通大學科技法律研究所 |
2014 | 從Myriad和Mayo案看美國生技專利標的適格之新發展, 生醫生技智權專利交流暨案例分享會, Jan. 24, 2014, 新竹:交通大學產業加速器暨專利開發策略中心 |
2013 | 美國方法專利標的適格新近案例發展, 第17屆全國科技法律研討會, Nov. 21, 2013, 新竹:交通大學科技法律研究所 |
2013 | Richard Li-dar Wang & Tien-Hsin Wang, Stalled Development Agenda of International Intellectual Property and Alternative Strategies for Developing Countries, Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, Aug. 08-09, 2013, New York, U.S.A.: Yeshiva Univ. Cardozo School of Law (co-sponsored by Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, Stanford Program in Law, Science & Technology, and DePaul Univ. School of Law) |
2013 | Promoting and Protecting Innovations of SMEs and Startups: Taiwan's Experience, KLRI 23rd Anniversary International Academic Conference, Jul. 24, 2013, Seoul, Korea: Korea Legislation Research Institute |
2012 | 從美國書面說明要件侵權訴訟探討醫藥生技智財保護策略與趨勢, 專利生物材料趨勢與訴訟研討會, Nov. 29, 2012, 台北 |
2012 | 聯合行為與跨國處罰:我國產業感到震驚的可能理由, 「友達案以後,如何避免歐美反托拉法和反貪污法上公司與經營者之法律責任」研討會, Nov. 13, 2012, 新竹:交通大學科技法律研究所、陽明國際律師事務所 |
2010 | 託古改制或重新出發:從Bilski案看美國方法專利標的適格之最新發展, 電子商務與智慧財產權的新思惟與展望學術研討會, Nov. 12, 2010, 台北:政治大學法學院 |
2010 | 從我國現行技術移轉與醫藥品試驗規定,看產學合作過程之適當規範, 產學合作之法律規範與利益衝突研討會, Aug. 17, 2010, 新竹:交通大學科技法律研究所 |
2009 | 廖正義、王立達, 美國電信業結合管制之研究:以電信法與競爭法的雙元管制為中心, 2009全國科技法律研討會, Nov. 26-27, 2009, 新竹 |
2009 | 王立達、劉威廷, 美國反托拉斯法上智慧財產拒絕授權案件之實證研究, 第四屆全國法學實證研究研討會, May. 06, 2009, 新竹:交通大學科技法律研究所 |
Year | Book Title |
2022 | Oct. 2022 |
2022 | 《制度觀點下的專利法與國際智慧財產權》,王立達編著, 台北:元照, Mar. 2022 |
2022 | 設計專利、競爭法與誠實信用原則──以帝寶車燈外觀侵害暨Daimler售後市場拒絕授權案一審判決為例, 收錄於《聯合行為要件之評析及競爭法與智財法之交錯》,廖義男、黃銘傑主編, 台北:元照, pp.603-662, Jan. 2022 |
2020 | 美國競爭法上維持轉售價格十餘年來之發展:實務分歧與理論重新反省, 收錄於《施茂林教授七秩華誕祝壽論文集(上)》, 台北:五南, pp.477-503, 2020 |
2017 | 美國專利權濫用案件分析──代表性案例與實證研究, 收錄於《台灣科技產業美國專利訴訟30年之回顧》,劉尚志、陳在方主編, 臺北:元照, pp.393-421, Jun. 2017 |
2014 | Discretionary Injunctive Relief for Patent Infringement: Partial Remuneration after eBay and Its Implication for the Developing World, in SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW: BALANCING COMPETING INTERESTS (Bryan Mercurio & Kuei-Jung Ni eds.), London: Routledge, pp.231-240 , Jan. 2014 |
Year | Project Title | Participator | Job Title | Period | Unit |
2022 | 數位平臺產業現況、發展趨勢及競爭規範─以我國為中心 | 研究顧問 | 2022.04 ~ 2022.11 | 公平交易委員會 | |
2021 | 多頻道視訊平臺市場競爭與法規調適 | 計畫顧問 | 2021.04 ~ 2021.10 | 國家通訊傳播委員會 | |
2021 | 石化產業數位化發展現況與競爭規範 | 協同主持人 | 2021.04 ~ 2021.11 | 公平交易委員會 | |
2019 | 公平交易法國內重要案例之評析:以聯合行為為例 | 共同主持人 | 2019.04 ~ 2019.11 | 公平交易委員會 | |
2014 | 2014.04 ~ 2014.12 | ||||
2012 | 2012.06 ~ 2012.12 | ||||
2008 | 2008.09 ~ 2009.03 |
Year | Research Title | Publish Date |
2022 | 2022-12-09 | |
2022 | 民間版數位平臺與新聞媒體強制議價法草案,2022年9月1日 | 2022-09-01 |
2022 | 2022-05-10 | |
2021 | 2021-05-11 | |
2020 | 2020-10-21 | |
2019 | 2019-11-27 | |
2019 | 2019-11-11 | |
2018 | 銀行要求電商提供信用卡收款賣家資訊 有違法疑慮?,ETtoday新聞雲,2018年11月29日。 | 2018-11-29 |
2018 | 2018-11-28 | |
2018 | 2018-08-13 | |
2018 | 2018-07-01 | |
2017 | 2017-10-14 | |
2012 | 蘋果與宏達電大和解背後,蘋果日報,2012年11月13日 | 2012-11-13 |
Year | Award Name | Awarding Unit |
2025 | Meheroo Jussawalla Research Award for the Year of 2025 | Pacific Telecommunications Council |
2024 | ||
2021 | ||
2021 | 國立政治大學110學年度科技部補助研究獎勵 | |
2018 | 國立政治大學107學年度研究優良獎 | |
2014 | 國立交通大學103學年度優良教學獎 | |
2013 | 國立交通大學102-104學年度彈性薪資暨獎勵補助(研究類優秀教研人員) | |
2012 | 國立交通大學101學年度績優導師 | |
2008 | 國立交通大學97年度傑出人士榮譽獎勵(過去5年學術成就卓越) | |
2005 | 教育部留學獎學金(專案培育公費留學),2005年2月 | |
2005 | 教育部一般公費留學(國際經貿法學門) | |
2002 | 國際扶輪總社世界和平獎學金(2003-2005 Rotary World Peace Scholarship, Rotary International),2002年11月 |